The dog party

Text and illustrations by Laura Simonati

The 36th World Dog Show takes place tomorrow! The world’s most beautiful dogs are gathered, groomed and perfumed, waiting patiently in their cages. In the evening, their masters head off to their restaurants and hotels, leaving the pooches under the watchful eye of a common mutt, Piumino. He can’t take part in the competition: he’s not a pedigree dog.
The dogs soon ask him to let them out for a while to stretch their paws. Piumino is quickly persuaded, and it’s off to a great clandestine party! The party lasts all night and beyond, as the dogs have better things to do than take part in the show, and eventually escape by boat.
And who will win the medal?

Publication : 4 Avr 2025 Age : From 4 years Size : 24 x 22 cm Volume : 48 pages Price : 15.90€ ISBN : 978-2-931296-22-6 Rights sold : 

Author / Illustrator

Laura Simonati is an Italian illustrator and graphic designer born in Verona. After graduating from the Faculty of Design and Arts at Libera Università di Bolzano in 2017, she moved to Brussels, where she completed a master's degree at ENSAV La Cambre. She currently works as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer, drawing inspiration from vernacular art. In September 2020, she was one of the artists selected for the Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Award. She is the author of Zitti zitti, fate piano, published by Coraini edizioni.

Her first book, Mariedl, une histoire gigantesque, was published in 2022 by Versant Sud. She is also the author of Il y a des gâteaux, published by Vous êtes ici. Her new album, La fête des chiens, comes out in April 2025.