Mummy?! is a fun and poetic book for little ones. Zéphyr wanders around the family home, looking for his mummy. She is not very far away, and shows him where she is, with her distant, gentle and playful words.
This young child’s quest is a pretext for discovering the little things which sprinkle everyday life, and let us see the imagination shared between the mummy and her little one, but also the difference that exist between the adult’s world and the child’s world.
Like a step towards independence… Mummy?! is also a book that beats around the bush!
Size : 15 x 18 cm•Volume : 32 pages•Price : 9.9€•ISBN : 978-2-930358-82-6•Rights sold :
Elis Wilk studied Political Science at Lyon before escaping to Poland where she encountered the theatre and graphic arts. She worked for four years at the Théâtre de Villejuif before going to Naples and Brussels to study illustration. As an illustrator, she published several children’s picture books (with ‘A pas de loup’ and ‘Le Diplodocus’) and works for the international press. She regularly organizes workshops and classes.