Stéphanie Demasse-Pottier


Stéphanie Demasse-Pottier is a children’s librarian and author. She began writing for young people in 2017 and has over twenty albums and novels to her name. These include Tant pis pour la pluie ! with Lucia Calfapietra at Grasset jeunesse, Louise with Magali Dulain at L’Étagère du bas, Mon île with Seng Soun Ratanavanh at La Martinière jeunesse, Les sentiers perdus at Hélium, Le rêve de Gaëtan Talpa with Adèle Verlinden at Les Fourmis Rouges, Fin d’été with Clarisse Lochmann at L’Étagère du bas and Deux pingouins at A pas de loups.

She lives in the Paris region.